Monday, August 27, 2012

Getting Back on Track - Day 2

So I just weighed myself and to my surprise, in one day I lost almost 2 pounds! Now I know that is probably water weight or something like that, but hey, I'll take it! Today was again a little difficult but not too bad. I had a Jimmy Dean turkey sausage breakfast sandwich this morning which was pretty filling and some coffee. I have to learn to drink coffee with skim milk. That is the one thing I was never able to change. I drink skim milk and use it in every other area but coffee. Coffee just doesn't taste good without half and half. That's a habit I need to start breaking. Not sure if I can do that one. If I had used skim milk instead of cream this morning I would have saved myself almost 60 calories (I only drank half my small coffee). Anyway, lunch was a yummy salad from Panera with chicken that was only 330 calories. As delicious as that salad was, it was completely not filling. I was still really hungry. Unfortunately I didn't remember to pack a yogurt or fruit today so I ended up eating a Nature Valley protein bar. The calories on that weren't too bad but the fat was terrible. I picked it because it was high in protein and I knew it would fill me up, which it did. Mental note to stock up on yogurt or low fat cheese at work. Protein bars are not that great for you. Lots of sugar and sometimes lots of fat. I treated myself a little today too and had a mini kit-kat. The chocolate was exactly what I needed at 3pm but it was about 50 calories for that tiny little thing. Still, it did the trick. Dinner was surprisingly not bad again. Dinner has always been my weak link. I manage to do really well all day but then I'm so hungry by dinner I tend to overeat. Today I did well again. I had another salad and another nutrisystem entree. It filled me up and then I had a nutrisystem snack to top it off. All in all, I can't really complain; another successful day!

Calories: 1497
Carbs:  177
Fat: 59
Protein:  82

Weight: 222.4 (still yuck)
BMI: 40.7 (still ugh)

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